Personal Branding Techniques for Dummies

tips for personal branding

Tips for personal branding help you solidify your reputation in saturated markets. They also ensure maximum impact on target audiences. Use specific techniques to build your brand and establish authority in your industry. Tips for personal branding come in handy when trying to increase industry authority and brand recognition. Consumers can’t find your company if […]

How To Become an Industry Leader

How To Become an Industry Leader

Thought leader, influencer, industry “giants”— there are many terms used to describe an industry leader. Some people come into the position by climbing the ladder (and a little bit of luck), while others make claim this title after carefully crafting their expertise. Today, I’m going to show you how you can do a little bit […]

What is a Personal Brand Consultant?

Personal brand consultant

A few years ago, if I tried to tell you what a personal brand consultant is and what I do, you probably would not get it! Thankfully, the days of capitalizing on a personal brand are here and the term is vastly more celebrated. Now more than ever, I have clients coming to me for […]